Firstly, this is what you need to know about turmeric
Turmeric, the vibrant spice so prominent in Indian cuisine, is so hot right now. It was the breakout star ingredient of 2016 -- and not because of a rise in curry cravings.
Our recent infatuation with this knobby root is thanks to its many touted health benefits. Turmeric is known as the great anti-inflammatory, responsible for easing minor maladies such as upset stomachs to more heroic acts, such as being a strong anti-inflammatory.
Here's what you need to know:
- Curcumin is the molecule found in turmeric that contains anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used in laboratory studies for research of possible health benefits.
- Turmeric may reduce the risk of Alzheimers. A study found that rats who were given curcumin were more resistant to the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaque in their brains.
- Turmeric can help alleviate joint pain and the discomfort brought on by arthritis (thanks again to its anti-inflammatory properties)
DIY Pimple Paste
A quick DIY pimple paste that works - with just 2 ingredients... yes please! It takes out the inflammation, so redness and swelling are reduced. Less painful and far less obvious -
here's the super easy recipe below:
Mix together 1tsp raw honey and 2tbs turmeric powder
Mix it together into a paste and apply directly onto your pimple
Leave it on for 10-15 minute then wash off.
Note: turmeric may stain yellow a little, but will fade.

make your own golden latte
It''s really quite easy to make your own 'golden latte' at home. It's worth hunting down the best quality turmeric from a health food store, so you get maximum nutritional value, and I know the black pepper sounds a little weird, but don't skip this as black pepper helps the body to absorb more of the good nutrients out of the turmeric. I've found the best taste when used with rice milk.

Here's the recipe:
Serves 1.
+ 250 ml almond milk or rice milk (you can also youse coconut milk)
+ 1tsp freshly grated turmeric or turmeric powder
+ 1/4 tsp gender powder
+ 1/2tsp cinnamon
+ pink of black pepper 1tsp coconut oil (optional)
1. Gently warm the milk in a small pot on the stove. Add turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and black pepper and simmer for 30 seconds
2. Lastly add coconut oil and mix through
3. Pour into your favourite mug and sprinkle some cinnamon on top for good looks
Enjoy x