Chicken Soup might just be the perfect remedy.
As it turns out, a handful of scientific studies show that chicken soup really could have medicinal value.
The most widely cited of these studies, published in the medical journal 'Chest' in 2000, used laboratory tests to determine why chicken soup might help colds, beginning with his wife’s homemade recipe, handed down by her Lithuanian grandmother (how cool is that!). Using blood samples from volunteers, he showed that the soup helped reduce upper respiratory cold symptoms.
As it turns out, a handful of scientific studies show that chicken soup really could have medicinal value.
The most widely cited of these studies, published in the medical journal 'Chest' in 2000, used laboratory tests to determine why chicken soup might help colds, beginning with his wife’s homemade recipe, handed down by her Lithuanian grandmother (how cool is that!). Using blood samples from volunteers, he showed that the soup helped reduce upper respiratory cold symptoms.
The researchers couldn’t identify the exact ingredient or ingredients in the soup that made it effective against colds but say it may be the combination of vegetables and chicken that work together. The tested soup contained chicken, onions, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, carrots, celery stems, parsley, salt and pepper.
None of the research is conclusive, and it’s not known whether the changes measured in the laboratory really have a meaningful effect on people with cold symptoms. However, at the very least, chicken soup with vegetables contains lots of healthy nutrients, increases hydration and tastes good, too.
I am so thrilled to share with you this super simple, super nutritious Chicken Soup recipe which is generations old and comes from my BFF, Jackie. We have been BFFs for over 25 years, we share the same first name, crazy weird stuff always happens when we get together, and she is the biggest darling heart. I can not count the number of times that I have come home and found an esky containing her famous chicken soup on my door step with a sweet little hand written note, she always does it just when my soul needs it… (what a star!) – she is amazing and this soup is too.
Thanks so much J for sharing this recipe with our readers x
Thanks so much J for sharing this recipe with our readers x

A bag of chicken frames/bones (from supermarket or butcher - try and get organic free-range if you can)
3-4 carrots pealed and cut in half
1-2 parsnips peeled
One whole onion (not cut)
3-4 sticks of celery incl leaves
Table spoon apple cider vinegar
Bunch of dill
Salt 1 tablespoon and some pepper
3-4 carrots pealed and cut in half
1-2 parsnips peeled
One whole onion (not cut)
3-4 sticks of celery incl leaves
Table spoon apple cider vinegar
Bunch of dill
Salt 1 tablespoon and some pepper
Put it all in a large pot, cover to top with water and cook for about 2 hours. If in slow cooker just leave it on low cooking all day. Once cooked remove bones and keep the carrot and parsnip to put back in the soup. I then strain the soup into another pot as there's often lots of little bones from the chicken frames. Put in fridge and let it cool overnight and then scrape the fat off it the next day. Think it's better this way and less oily.
Until next time,
Until next time,