What a year we're having...
As we head into our most challenging time here in Victoria, I hope this finds you and your family well and finding ways to stay positive. I for one am using this time of pause for reflection and reconnection, and finally pressing GO on a few projects I’ve had on my wish list.
And here it is; my 30 day clear skin reset.
I’ve spent the last 10 years working with clients as a Clinical Nutritionist and skin care manufacturer, and the most common question I get asked is how to manage and resolve skin related issues.
We’ve all battled with skin problems such as rosacea, dryness, breakouts or acne at some point in our lives, and you might even be supporting a son or daughter currently experiencing it too.
Many are quick to think it’s what we put ON our skin that makes a difference, and if you’ve been using my products for a while now then you would have noticed the benefits of using quality, natural products.
But this is only half of the solution.
The other half?
The secret to clear and glowing skin starts from the inside.
With education comes power, and understanding the power of our bodies will not only reward you with clear and glowing skin, but vitality and energy for life (even during iso!).
I’m on a mission to spread empowerment through education, and as a current customer using my natural products, I know you’re keen to look after yourself too!
So if you’d like to do something positive for yourself during lockdown, finally rid yourself of skin problems and find abundant energy, then I invite you to join me on a 30-day challenge to clear and glowing skin – starting Monday August 24th.
Over 30 days, you’ll learn how to read the messages your body is sending you via your skin, and how to rectify your issues for optimum vitality and glowing skin.
There’s no better time to be doing something positive for yourself than now! I’m so excited to get started and hope to see you in the Facebook Group after registering.
PS. Got a question? Add you comment below x